
Is the iPod coming back on the scene?

Apple resurrects iPod music translator?

Remember the iPod? The music player that revolutionized music sales and publishing? Recently, Apple removed the mentioned category from the website and hid it under the Apple Music tab, but it seems that even in the age of smartphones, which have eaten away most of its users, they are not yet to be discarded. How else is one to interpret the photos that Apple has leaked online, from which it can be understood that the technological giant is apparently reviving the product that made Apple's name long before smartphones became annual investments.

Apple is the first iPod presented already more than 13 years ago, when it became an extension of the online music store iTunes. With its wheel, it was a real hit among users and reached almost absolute share among music players. He even ran over the pioneer of mobile music, the brand Sony.

iPod Touch, the 5th generation of Apple music players.
iPod Touch, the 5th generation of Apple music players.

Apparently Apple thinks there's still some life left in the iPod, and yes not yet retired. At least that's what the photos Apple leaked online suggest. iPod collection in colors that were not available until now, appeared when users downloaded an updated version of iTunes (12.2) and run them on the evergreen iPod.

READ MORE: Apple Music - also Apple with streaming music

This may be foreshadowing refreshed line of MP3 players, which have suffered in recent years due to Apple's focus mainly on phones, tablets and laptops. The last one four years nothing noteworthy happened in this area. Now that's apparently over. It could be that the photos are just a mistake, but iPods could be in for a second spring. Let's leave it to time. If not sooner, more will be known October 2015.

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