
Kotatsu - an invention that will keep you from leaving your bed

Kotatsu Japanese coffee tables

Kotatsu is a Japanese table, an invention that will make you never want to leave your bed. It consists of a coffee table with a heater and a blanket that stretches over the table like a tablecloth, but leaves a free storage surface. It is the ultimate resting place and a place where the Japanese warm themselves in winter. Bizarre, but admit that this is actually another phenomenal invention of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Kotatsu are Japanese coffee tables that keep you cozy in the winter warm and comfortable, or they are a new reason why you would rather stay in bed all day. You have everything. Comfortable bed, a blanket and a coffee table with a heater. Kotatsu actually originates from the 14th century, and if it was once fixed, today, experiencing its second spring, it is mobile.

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The Japanese have once again managed to invent something that will be completely changed the way we live. This time they didn't do it with a piece of technology or some bizarre invention, but with something simple, but at the same time ingenious.

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