
The Level – an active base for a standing desk

The Level is an active base with an uneven bottom, suitable for standing desks. Humans are made to walk, but we spend up to eight hours in a sitting position every day in offices. And it's killing us. That's why the trend of standing desks has recently been gaining ground, some of which are also equipped with a conveyor belt or bicycle pedals. But for those of you who don't mind sweating while working, there is The Level, which forces you to constantly maintain your balance, but in a way that does not interfere with work.

The Level the base is suitable for work at a standing table. Because why just stand there like a linden god (especially if we know that this, like sitting, is also harmful after a while), when you can work walk without walking. Namely, this active base when hunting balance (which is undisturbed), activates all those muscles that the body also uses during walking.

In fact, the matter resembles position on a skateboard or waterboard, except that you clearly don't need any special skills to stay on it, although some Tony Hawk would probably try to ollie with it. Well, it will be enough for you if you can stand on it worked smoothly.

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And where are the benefits of The Level board? Use according to sitting increases heart rate by 15%, which probably isn't the same as actually skating or surfing, but hey, at least you did something for your health.

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