
The long-awaited awesomeness in 4K resolution

Judging by the photos, she is extremely sexy. Massive and black. It looks extremely powerful, as evidenced by the stunning results. No, this time we are not talking about a new car, but about the long-awaited Panasonic camera, which with its recording capacity in 4K resolution surpasses many high-quality cameras.

The days when we could only take pictures with a digital camera are history. It would be hard to believe, but among this year's Oscar nominees there are quite a few films that were shot with otherwise quite expensive digital cameras. Filming! Yes, we've come this far already and there's no denying that. Today, it is no longer necessary to shell out an entire fortune for a camera, and even those with a lot of talent and little money can afford it. Cameras are even more affordable and new ones are hitting the shelves Panasonic breathtaking camera.

You can check the technical details of the camera here.

After the public got to know the new GH4, it would be hard to argue with the fact that Panasonic went one step further this time. Lumix GH4, which was first presented at the Consumer Electronics Show last month in Las Vegas CES, contains the more powerful advantages of its predecessor, the GH3. The most outstanding feature is, of course, video capture in 4K resolution at a speed of 30 frames per second. You can check for yourself how it fared in the gallery and set of videos below the article. The videos are unique, what will the next Oscar nominees be like!

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