
The appearance of your thumb reveals what you are like in love and in relationships!

What can your thumb tell you about your love destiny and what does the love line on your palms tell you?

People all over the world are fascinated by palm reading. In this case, it's about what kind of thumb you have on your hands, because this is supposed to reveal what kind of person you are in love relationships - regardless of whether you are a romantic who puts your partner first, or if you are a little distant and reserved. In this case, we look at the thumb in three ways, depending on the length of the first (upper) and second half.

The first half of the thumb is longer than the second

People with such thumbs are very loyal and extremely passionate. When they fall in love, they become somewhat obsessed with that person. Therefore, it is not unusual for them to neglect their previous life, such as studies, career... These people are simply crazy about their partner and get very upset if their partner does not respond to calls or texts. It would be good if you calm down your passions a little, because their behavior could scare your partner and he will run away.

The first and second parts of the thumb are the same

Such people can be said to know how to plan well and have a special approach that makes it easier for them to achieve their goals. Regardless of the situation, they know how to stay calm and cool. That's how they are in love. They are very objective in assessing their partner's feelings. They will not lose their heads or neglect their lives because of their emotions. As a result, they are slower to progress in love relationships, which can eventually lead to complicated relationships.

The first half is shorter than the second

Such persons are honest and reliable and have very good observation skills. Before taking action, they will first think everything through and think about everything, they do not rush into anything. This is naturally reflected in their love life. When they fall in love, they usually control their emotions.

Watch the video to see what you need to pay attention to.

And what does your love line tell you?

Lines of love on the palms (also called lines of the heart) will reveal to you what kind of future awaits you in love. Put your palms together and see how the lines connect - there are three ways.

Photo: Youtube/easy5

The lines are at the same height

This position of the love lines shows that the person is intelligent and organized, has a plan for almost everything and follows it. It is possible that he enters into a serious relationship only after he is supported in this by the people close to him.

The line on the right palm is higher

There is a possibility that people with such love lines will fall into a love relationship with someone much older than themselves. They feel best in the company of the elderly, where they are most welcome. They observe well, read the emotions of others very well and do not bother with other people's opinions.

The line on the left palm is higher

Such a position of the lines reveals passionate people who can start a serious relationship with a handsome stranger. They are somewhat aggressive in challenges.

The lines of love vary from person to person. The line on the right is preferred for palm reading. If interrupted, then it is about an individual who is torn between independence and a serious love relationship. If they small lines on it, branching upwards, reveal a person prone to flirting. If you the lines split, then this is a man whose feelings are hurt and because of that he no longer trusts. The dotted line of hearts indicates that someone's heart is broken.

Some love lines are well expressed, others are barely visible and these are said to indicate emotional instability. Dark spots on the heart line they reveal a sad person. In addition, the heart line can be longer or shorter. For very romantic people, the line ends between the index finger and the middle finger, but if it ends below the middle finger, the person usually keeps their emotions to themselves.

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