
The Lux Nikon Kit: The Golden Nikon DF Camera

Phone cameras are getting better and better, and fewer and fewer people are using traditional cameras... and not just because a standard SLR (single-lens reflex) doesn't have the ability to instantly upload shots to Instagram. "Old fashioned" cameras are thus forced to stand out. How about about 24 karat gold and a case made from the skin of a rare marine animal?

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Nikon DF
The price

Brick, a company that specializes in making ordinary electronic goods in the most glamorous versions, has started selling Nikon DF with Nukkor 14-24f/2.8 lens, which was "spoiled" by 24 carat gold on metal and plastic parts and scat's skin everywhere in between.

READ MORE: Leica x Monclair: A collaboration that conjured up a beautiful retro camera

Gold Nikon DF camera and gold carrying case.
Gold Nikon DF camera and gold carrying case.
Meanwhile, with only 77 made, don't worry too much about them selling out any time soon - the price is more than hefty 33 thousand euros. You'll be carrying it in a golden case, and maybe even that outweighs that pile of cash. It looks like the camera for those who want their gear to get as much attention as their photos. But if all that glitters is indeed gold, judge for yourself.

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