
Maturity Test: The Test That Reveals Your Mental Age!

Photo: Envato

How many dogs do you see in the picture? Are you mature or naive! Do you see the world through rose-colored glasses? A psychological test reveals this and more.

It was in 1908 psychologist Alfred Bine proposed to introduce the term "mental age" into scientific use, which reflects the mental stability of human cognitive functions (memory, observation...). Later, the concept of "mental age" was added to the ability to adapt, the degree of mental stability...

Age is often not necessarily associated with maturity in life. They are the young people they often say they are "old souls". In general, they are more mature than their peers, wise and, despite their youth, ready to live independently.

On the other hand, you can mature people sometimes they make decisions that go against their maturity, they can be reckless and repeat mistakes.

Interesting optical illusion test it can show what your mental age is. All you have to do is look at the picture/drawing and count how many dogs are shown in it.

Try to count all the dogs you see and then read the solution. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer in this test.


1 to 4 Psi – Your mental age is 18-23

You are in the process of learning about life. Don't burden your mind with heavy reasoning. You are not used to being responsible for yourself, let alone for others. You like to lead a carefree lifestyle. If you think someone will do a task better than you, you are happy to delegate the work to them.

5 Dogs – Your mental age is 25-30 years

You are a curious but cautious person. You are surrounded by a small number of like-minded people with whom you are comfortable. You don't like to be responsible for others, you subconsciously try to avoid it at all costs. You worry about the future, but not so much that you start frantically fighting for your happiness and radically changing your life.

6 Dogs – Your mental age is 31-40

You are a mature and wise person. Even as a child, people around you admired your self-confidence and ambition. Some even told you from a young age that you had a bright future ahead of you. You have high standards, you are critical of the people around you, as well as of yourself. You are a stable and reliable person, so they trust you. You have a clear mind, so you can easily change the subject of the conversation. You are able to see things as they really are. You are analytical.

7 dogs Your mental age is 10-18 years

You are a naive person who sees the world through rose-colored glasses. You strive for lightness, simplicity in life, you have developed empathy and you like to help others. You like to brighten up events and are optimistic. You tend to idealize people and situations and fantasize. You love long-lasting and honest communication. You have many friends that you enjoy being with. Your soul is pure and gentle.

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