
The miraculous power of a smile - when one smile changes everything

Portraits from the series So I Asked Them To Smile.

You know the idea - a smile doesn't cost you anything, but you can brighten someone's day with it. Jay Weinstein also experienced the incredible power of a smile on his own skin when he once wanted to photograph a man at a train station in India, but when he noticed his frightening look, he aimed the lens elsewhere. Then the man called out to take a photo of him too. ''Smile,'' Weinstein begged him, his serious expression turning into a warm and glowing smile. This moment inspired the photographer to start his series of portraits of strangers, So I Asked Them To Smile.

So I Asked Them To Smile it is a series of portraits of strangers by photographer Jay Weinstein proving the miraculous power of a smile. This consists of a pair of photographs of the same person, one photographed with a serious expression on her face, and the next her mouth is drawn into a wide smile, which completely changes our perception of this person.

READ MORE: Anatomy of a Perfect Smile: What is a Perfect Smile?

At first you would be afraid of him, but when he smiles he is a completely different person.
At first they would be afraid of him, but when he smiles he is a completely different person.

With a smile on your face, you can influence a pleasant atmosphere in others as well let's encourage optimism, many studies have shown. That you can have a single smile it completely changes the way we think about man, is proven again and again by Weinstein, whose portraits of strangers collected in the photo series So I Asked Them To Smile can be followed at Facebook profile or Instagram account soyaskedthemtosmile.

So I Asked Them To Smile portrait series:

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