
Money tree - an indispensable addition to your home that attracts wealth and success

A magical plant for a better home

Drevo denarja
Photo: envato elements

The money tree, also known as Crassula ovata or jade plant, is more than just an aesthetic addition to your home. In addition to its attractive exterior and easy maintenance, this magical plant symbolizes wealth, luck and success. In this article, we will explore the history and origins of this plant, its benefits, and tips for care and optimal placement in your home.

Crassula ovata, originally from southern Africa, is a plant that has gained immense popularity throughout the world over the centuries. It is also known by names such as money tree, friendship tree and jade plant. Its popularity stems from the belief that it brings luck, wealth and prosperity. In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging space, this plant is often used to attract positive energy and harmony.

Photo: envato elements

Symbolism and benefits

The money tree is a symbol of wealth and success, and is often used as a gift to bring happiness and prosperity. Its fleshy, oval, coin-like leaves are ideal for attracting financial luck. In addition to symbolism, the plant also has many practical benefits:

  1. Air purification: Crassula ovata helps remove harmful substances such as formaldehyde and benzene and improves indoor air quality​​.
  2. Aesthetic appearance: Its fleshy leaves contribute to a more beautiful appearance of your home or office, while at the same time bringing a sense of peace and harmony.
  3. Low maintenance: The money tree is ideal for those who do not have much time for gardening, as it requires minimal care and is very resistant to various conditions.
Photo: envato elements

Installation and care

For maximum effect, place the money tree in the southeast part of your home or office, where it will symbolize and attract wealth. The plant thrives in a bright, indirect light environment, but avoid direct sunlight, which can damage the leaves. Crassula ovata is known for its low care requirements, but needs regular but moderate watering, allowing the top of the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot.

Practical care tips

  • Light: Place the plant in a place with enough light, but not direct sunlight, as this can cause leaf burns.
  • Watering: Water the plant when the top soil dries out. Overwatering can cause root rot.
  • The floor: Use well-draining soil, an ideal mix for succulents.
  • Fertilization: During the growing season, spring and summer, fertilize the plant once a month with a balanced liquid fertilizer.


money tree, Crassula ovata, is a wonderful plant that not only decorates your space, but also brings positive energy, improves air quality and attracts financial luck. With proper care and placement, this plant can become an indispensable part of your home or office, bringing harmony and well-being.

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