
“The Moon Walker”: BMW R100r with a completely different guise

Ironwood Custom Motorcycles "The Moon Walker"

At Ironwood Custom Motorcycles, they love to get their hands on one of BMW's motorcycles and give it a completely different guise. Stock motorcycles are turned into daring masterpieces with very interesting names such as "The Mutant" and "The Scumbag". Their latest project is called "The Moon Walker" and it's really something special.

Ironwood Custom Motorcycles “The Moon Walker” was created from a 'donated' motorcycle BMW R100r. It's not their most aggressively minded project, but it's a pleasing design that exemplifies the motorcycle behind overcoming the lunar surface. He is dressed dark green the color, which is complemented by upholstery from brown leather. They assembled the motorcycle Arien Van Den Boom and Eric Cutler, and from a duo with such an interesting sounding name, something less than 'detached' we couldn't even expect a motorcycle.

“The Moon Walker” required a complete rewiring of the electrical wiring as it was given the company's instruments Motogadget and a lithium-ion battery, which was tucked away in a brown leather case. Gear shift levers and pedals were contributed by the company Motos, and many other parts on the motorcycle were made manually at Ironwood Custom Motorcycles. They installed a couple more under the seat LED-lamps, which are at the same time the last lights and indicators. According to the design of “The Moon Walker” and the already known performance of the BMW R100r motorcycle, it is the right combination to overcome the craters of the Moon.

Image Gallery: Ironwwod Custom Motorcycles “The Moon Walker”

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