What is happiness? Is this the moment you achieve something big? When someone you love hugs you? When you stop for a moment and feel that the world, despite all its imperfections, is magical?
To be honest, sometimes I ask myself: why is happiness so elusive? Why do I keep looking for it in the future - in some "tomorrow" that never seems quite close enough?
There is something special about Christmas time
Stop me. It reminds me that life is not just about rushing from destination to destination. It's about the moments I often overlook.
Sometimes I feel like I'm lucky looking in all the wrong places. In the recognition of others, in endless to-do lists, in expectations that were too great for her to fulfill. I often thought that I would be happy when I achieved something big - when my life was more organized, my body more perfect, my days more organized.
But every time I achieved what I thought would bring happiness, I realized that the feeling only lasted a moment. Like trying to hold water in the palms of my hands – the happiness spilled out before I could really feel it.
For Christmas, I want happiness that doesn't depend on perfect circumstances
I wish for a happiness that is as strong as a tree rooted deep in the ground that does not topple over with every wind. I wish happiness that accompanies me in all my moods - v joy, in doubt, in those quiet moments when the world seems to fall silent.
Happiness is when I allow myself to be who I am
When I drop the masks I wear to please others and accept myself - in all my imperfections. It's that feeling when I look in the mirror and don't tell myself that I'm not good enough, but gently admit to myself: "You are here. It's you. And that's quite enough."
Sometimes I wish I'd been taught this sooner - that happiness doesn't come from comparing yourself to others, but from stopping competing with yourself.
I wish I loved myself more. No conditions, no "if only it were better." Just because I'm me - and that's enough.
I wish you happiness in simple moments
In that first sip of coffee in the morning, when the world is still quiet. In the smell of freshly baked cookies that reminds me of home. In a conversation where I don't have to prove anything - I just listen and am heard.
I wish for the happiness they bring small victories - when I overcome doubt, when I take a step forward despite fear, when I dare to say "yes" to new experiences or "no" to things that take away my energy.
I want to hug those I love many times and tell them that they are part of my world. To dare to ask for help when I need it and to offer it when others need it. Because happiness isn't just what I give to myself - it's also what I give to others.
Happiness is in gratitude
In waking up every morning and reminding myself: no matter what, I have the power to create my day. It may be full of challenges, it may be chaotic, but I will always find a moment in it when I stop and feel: what i have is a miracle.
All I want for Christmas is for her to learn to live like this every day. To see the beauty in what I already have and allow happiness to become my constant companion.
Because happiness is not something that comes and goes. Je v meni, tukaj, zdaj, v teh trenutkih, ki jih ne bom več jemala za samoumevne. Želim si srečo, ki bo ostala. Srečo, ki bo tiho, a vztrajno polnila moje življenje, skozi vse leto.