
The most beautiful DIY holiday cookie decorations

Let the most beautiful DIY holiday cookie decorations be our inspiration for the next time you bake sweet, crunchy treats.

The most beautiful DIY holiday cookie decorations let them remind us that we too can decorate cookies like pros. We've scoured the best foodie blogs for five unique and breathtaking holiday cookie frosting ideas. With the help of the instructions of already experienced craftsmen and masters, we will surely succeed with some practice!

1. Snow hearts

Snowy hearts
Snowy hearts

Decorate the cocoa brittle cookies with snow-white icing and sprinkle with powdered sugar for a dramatic effect. They will suddenly find themselves wonderful in front of us snowy hearts.

2. Christmas deer

Happy deer
Happy deer

If we lack decoration exercises, we decide on a simple decoration - cute reindeer Rudolph. Kids love them.

3. Honey snowflakes

Honey snowflakes
Honey snowflakes

Unique honey snowflakes they are a feast for the eyes. They will disappear from the tray in the blink of an eye.

4. Christmas decorations

With the help of the video, creating "Christmas decorations" will be even easier.

5. Sprinkles with edible glitter

A video showing how we make edible glitter.

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