
These are the most beautiful women of astrology: a beautiful heart is their greatest asset!

Women born under this sign are considered the most beautiful and these are 5 of their magnificent qualities.

Have you ever wondered what sign they were born under? the most beautiful women and why? If you know astrology well, then you will probably look for the most beautiful members among those born under Venus, i.e. among Libras and Tauruses. But we have to disappoint you. The most beautiful women are said to be born under the Sun in the sign... virgins! So those born between August 23 and September 22.

And what, according to astrologers, is what makes them so beautiful, the most beautiful of all signs?

1. Virgos are perfectionists

Virgos are perfectionists.
Virgos are perfectionists.

Virgos will always be tidy. They won't leave the house in ripped tracksuits, messy hair and different socks. They won't leave home for so long until they are ready for a new day. This will include, at the very least, a freshly washed face, a perfect and perfectly pressed outfit, and a hairdo on point!

2. Virgos are precise and clean

Virgos are precise and clean.
Virgos are precise and clean.

Virgos are domestic in routine and practice. They will apply the best creams to your face to prevent wrinkles and keep your skin moisturized. They will do this on a strict schedule so that the effects are permanent. They will also regularly use a face mask, hair mask, lip mask, etc. to keep everything on it at its best potential. They will have the best soaps, gels and perfumes. Virgos are living proof that although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is also in the nose of the beholder.

3. Virgos take care of their diet and health, so their outer beauty comes from within

Virgos are careful about their diet and health.
Virgos are careful about their diet and health.

Virgos go above and beyond in everything they do, and yes, that includes eating. Their guide is a healthy diet, a super healthy diet, the healthiest diet that any nutritionist could design. Virgos love a healthy diet based on superfoods (for a natural glow), fruit (for shiny hair) and healthy fats (for clear skin).

4. Virgos love exercise

Virgos love exercise.
Virgos love exercise.

You know that feeling when you go to the gym and you're in a really good mood after a good workout? Virgins have this feeling all the time. They love to exercise and that's why it's part of their schedule. They also like to stay in shape and always have that healthy "just out of the gym" glow.

5. Virgos are kind and caring

Virgos are kind and caring.
Virgos are kind and caring.

The most important characteristic of virgins that makes them so beautiful is their heart! Virgos are faithful and good. They always support their friends and are always there when others need them. They are attentive and generous with their time, and they make the people around them better. After all, it is goodness, kindness, that makes us and keeps us beautiful!

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