
The most common moments of panic experienced by every thirty-year-old

There are quite a few turning points in life. One of these is the completion of the thirtieth year. You could say that at that time some people grow up, while others simply run out of film. In one way or another, everyone faces a crisis, which also includes moments of panic when the most carefree and crazy years are left behind. See what are the most common panic moments in the lives of thirty-year-olds.

1. The last single friend is getting married and you are under the impression that you will die alone.

2. When you realize you have hangover after two beers.

When you realize you have a hangover after two beers.
When you realize you have a hangover after two beers.

3. You are at a wedding the oldest single guest.

4. When you run into a friend you haven't seen since your early twenties and wonder, if you also look as old as your friend.

5. When you explain your life situation to someone and the answer is: "Well, at least you're not 40 yet."

6. When you choose something more for yourself hip clothing in the store and the seller guesses whether you are shopping for a child.

7. When all your friends are talking about mortgages and you are you don't even have a savings account.

8. When your skinny jeans become yours "I'll never wear them again" jeans.

9. When you realize that the tattoo you made in college slowly moves towards the equator.

10. When you notice a mark on your skin and can't tell, whether it is new or old.

When you notice a mark on your skin.
When you notice a mark on your skin.

11. When you see youngsters wearing Nirvana t-shirts the same way you used to wear The Doors t-shirts.

12. Or worse, when you realize that it is a new pop star young enough to be your baby.

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13. When one of your younger colleagues mentions his favorite children's series, and you realize that it was first aired when you were at university.

14. When you unexpectedly back hurts - for no reason.

15. When planning your Saturday night, when you realize that all you want to do is stay at home and watch tv.

16. When you realize that you are older than your parents when they had you and that they knew exactly what they were going to do with their lives.

17. When you get invitation to the 20th anniversary of graduation.

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