
The most crisis years in a relationship: How to survive the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 10th and 20th year

Photo: envato

Every relationship faces trials, but some phases are particularly challenging. There are certain periods in a partner's life that are more prone to crises. Understanding these periods and being prepared to face the challenges can mean the difference between a breakup and a lasting relationship.

The first year brings reality after initial falling in love, the third year is a turning point due to routine, the seventh year often brings a feeling of boredom, the tenth year is a period of serious problems, while the twentieth year often brings you "grey divorces." In this article, we will explore how to recognize and overcome these moments of crisis, and to maintain love and connection.

Year 1: Reality period

The first year of a relationship is full of new challenges, as the butterflies of initial infatuation slowly fade and come to light a real picture of a partner. This period is often feared by those who are not ready to reveal all their shortcomings. Honest communication is key - talk about your expectations, wishes and fears. Set realistic goals and learn to accept your partner as he is, with all his faults and virtues. Spend more time together, get to know each other on a deeper level, and create shared memories that will be the foundation of your relationship.

Photo: envato

Year 3: The comfort zone period

The third year is often a turning point, as the couple often find themselves in a comfort zone where routines begin to dominate romance. Romance can lose its spark if there is no conscious effort to maintain it. It is important that you make time for dates, surprises and new activities that will revive the initial passion. Talk about long-term goals and plans so that you are always focused on the future together. Don't forget the small gestures that show love and attention - these are often more important than big actions.

Year 7: A period of boredom

The seventh year of the relationship is known as a critical period when you can boredom and routines seriously threaten the relationship. There may be a feeling that everything has already been seen and experienced, which can lead to dissatisfaction and distance between the two partners. In order to maintain a connection, it is essential that you explore new interests and hobbies together, and embark on joint adventures that will bond you together. You regularly take time to have in-depth conversations about your feelings and desires, and together look for ways to improve your relationship. Everyday little things like hugs, kisses, and honest questions about how your day went can go a long way in maintaining warmth and closeness.

Photo: envato

Year 10: A period of trouble

The tenth year is often a period of serious problems when a couple faces real tests. It can happen fatigue, feeling trapped or even unfaithful. Open and honest communication, without judgment, is key during this period. Together they find solutions to problems and are not afraid to seek professional help if needed. Emphasize the positive aspects of your relationship and remember why you fell in love. Trust is the basis of any relationship, so work on restoring and strengthening it. Find time to relax and have fun and devote yourself to activities that make you happy and relax.

Year 20: The period of gray divorces

The twentieth year is often associated with so-called "grey divorces," when a couple after a long life together, decides to break up. The children may already be adults, which means that the partners find themselves in an empty nest and have to reinvent themselves as a couple. During this period, it is important that you re-create common goals and hobbies that will connect you. Talk about your expectations for the future and set new challenges together. Keeping an active and full life and communicating regularly about your feelings and needs will help maintain a strong and loving relationship.

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