
Astrology's Most Explosive Couples: When they meet, sparks fly everywhere

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Astrology confirms that opposites attract, and these couples are characterized by strong chemistry, but also strong conflicts.

Aries and Libra

These two feel a strong spark the first time they meet. Chemistry will be enhanced by the raw energy and allure of Aries, as well as the subtle charm and sophistication of Libra. The relationship will be a challenge that will be difficult to resist, but problems arise because "decent behavior" and "living by the rules" irritate Aries, and Libra will despair of "civilizing" him.
In order for the union to succeed, joint projects or activities are necessary, because in them complementary personalities will remind them that they can work.

Taurus and Scorpio

This is a very hot combination right from the start. As soon as the sensual and relaxed Taurus opens up to Scorpio and realizes his passion for life, great desire arises.


If they come together in a love relationship, they cannot satisfy each other, but conflicts become inevitable. Taurus will get bored keeping up with Scorpio's pace, and Scorpio finds Taurus too relaxed and passive. Things can be fixed if they take their passion out of the home and channel it into hanging out with friends.

Gemini and Sagittarius

Their attraction is not only physical but also attracts them on a mental level. The curious Gemini and the philosophical Sagittarius are easily charmed and can spend hours in mutual conversations and witty provocations.

Problems arise as soon as Gemini starts to resent Sagittarius' attitude that he "knows best", and Sagittarius will be annoyed that Gemini chats superficially and likes to gossip. They are reunited by shared adventures - trips to nature, travels...

Cancer and Capricorn

When a sensitive Cancer focused on a sense of security meets a strong and dominant Capricorn, a classic attraction bond is created.
However, this attractive relationship can quickly lose its charm, as Cancer feels ignored by Capricorn, while Capricorn will be bothered by Cancer's lack of independence and sensitivity.


In order for the relationship to survive, they must remember that they are not only partners, but also lovers. By evoking passionate fervor, this combination will make sense again.

Leo and Aquarius

The attraction almost explodes when the king of his universe - a lion - meets a unique Aquarius who does not bow to any authority. This rebellion fascinates Leo, while Aquarius admires his ability to win over everyone around him with his charisma. However, Aquarius begins to resent Leo's need for attention, while Leo is annoyed that Aquarius goes against social conventions. The relationship will survive if both are interested in occasional withdrawal from society together.

Virgo and Pisces

Practical Virgos, who like everything in life to have their own order and schedule, and Pisces, who swim through life to resist the terrible routine, make a very interesting and rather fatal combination.


Both parties see their love relationship as an opportunity to change their lives - the Virgo will help the Pisces organize, and the Pisces will show them how to relax. Over time, Virgo resents Pisces' unreliability, and Pisces tends to control and criticize everything. A relationship can survive only with great and daily flexibility and frequent conversations.

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