
The most influential tech gadgets of all time

The most influential tech toys

Wondering what the most influential tech gadgets of all time are? Time magazine recently published a list of 50 products that have forever changed the way we communicate, work and live in general. Today, we can no longer imagine a day without the many technological gadgets from the list, but there was only room at the top for one. The most influential technological gadget of all time is…

the iPhone smartphone. Was any other technological gadget expected at the top? It should be added that yes the most influential technological gadgets of all time they are not necessarily the best either. Some made the list because they were the first of their kind, others were not commercially successful but still influential, and others brought technology closer to or made accessible to the masses.

The Sony Trinitron is the second most influential technological gadget of all time.
The Sony Trinitron is the second most influential technological gadget of all time.

In the list next to smartphones we find TVs, Calculator, Laptops, Tablets, Keyboards, Drones, Printers, Game Consoles, Cameras, Disc Drives, Walkmans, Virtual Reality Glasses, DVD Players, VCR and other technological products that left an indelible mark. It is by far the largest, according to opinion Time magazine left the iPhone (started his march in 2007), which, according to experts, not only changed the world view, but also inspired many others to make smartphones the most indispensable technological gadget of the 21st century. On top of the Apple smartphone, a Sony TV keeps company Trinitron and a personal computer Macintosh.

The Most Influential Tech Gadgets of All Time:

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