
The most unusual and different festivals of the world

"Holi Color Festival", India

The most unique and unusual festivals around the world prove that there are a lot of fun and crazy people in the world who love festivals and holidays, when they can at least for a day give themselves up to the pulse of the crowd, forget all their worries and throw a handful of colorful dust in the air, jump over a few babies and with a terrifying mask they drive away winter or the devil.

The funniest and most unusual festivals around the world (would you skip babies for fun?) bring together people who want to indulge in the relaxed festival vibe for at least one day. Festivals can offer unique experiences and are a great way to learn about new cultures while traveling. In the galleries, see photos of the most unusual festivals in the world, and below, read some more details about (us) the most interesting ones.

Jumping over babies, Spain

Jumping over babies “El Colacho”, Spain
Jumping over babies “El Colacho”, Spain

"El Colacho" is a festival that goes back deep in history (1600) and traditionally takes place every year in the Spanish village of Castrillo de Murcia. At the festival, in addition to a parade that symbolically banishes evil, men wearing devil gear jump over babies born in the last year. The babies are placed on comfortable cushions, and the men then cleanse them of any evil by jumping over them.

Holi, India

"Holi Color Festival", India
"Holi Color Festival", India

Holi is an Indian spring festival, also known as the festival of colors and love. It is an ancient Hindu religious holiday that, due to its allure - the holiday is celebrated by throwing colored sand - attracts crowds from all over the world every year who want a colorful celebration of love.

Fight with oranges, Italy

Battle of Oranges, Italy
Battle of Oranges, Italy

The Italian city of Ivrea offers a bit more juicy entertainment at the time when we celebrate Carnival here. The town hosts an orange-throwing festival where the townspeople celebrate a victorious rebellion against the ruler who ruled the town unjustly in the 12th century.

Beer cruise, Finland

Beer drinking festival on inflatable boats, Finland
Beer drinking festival on inflatable boats, Finland

Kaljakellunta is a Finnish summer holiday. On this day, Finns inflate their inflatable boats, fill them to the brim with beer cans and then descend en masse down the Kerava and Vantaa rivers all the way to the beach located in Helsinki.

Tomato War, Spain

"La Tomatina" festival, Spain
Festival "La Tomatina", Spain

The Spanish are famous for the most bizarre holidays. While babies are being jumped over in the village of Castrillo de Murcia, in Bunol every year on the last Sunday of August the Tomatina takes place - an hour-long fight with juicy tomatoes, attended by locals and many tourists from all over the world.

Monkey Eaters, Thailand

Monkey Feast, Thailand
Monkey Feast, Thailand

In the Thai town of Lopburi, a very special feast is held every November. The trays, which are scattered under the mountains of juicy fruits and vegetables, are intended for the macaque monkeys, which the locals thank in this way, as they attract thousands of tourists to the city every year as an attraction.

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