
The myth of multitasking

A few years ago, the ability to multitask was much praised and appreciated. But with the development of neuroscience, the myth of multitasking suddenly collapsed. The idea that someone who can multitask is also very efficient has proven to be wrong.

Research have shown that the brain cannot actually focus on two tasks at the same time. What is happening is, yes they switch quickly between two focuses of attention. Each time they switch, a process takes place in the brain resetting, in which our attention is quickly lost, and it also costs us quite a bit of time.

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The myth of multitasking
The myth of multitasking

The praise of multitasking has turned into the myth of multitasking. According to research in neuroscience, multitasking consciously and attentively does not exist. When you're driving and talking on the phone, you're not actually constantly focused on both activities, your brain is constantly they shift the focus from one to another. Of course, "multitasking" in a car can have dire consequences, but even in less dangerous situations, it hardly pays off. Focusing on two tasks at once is huge consumption of time, in addition to that the number of errors then increases. Don't believe it? Solve the test explained in the video below.

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