
The Nebulae Ensemble & Cynicism Management

It is a free event, no entry fee, no exit fee. But there is the option of VOLUNTARY contributions (emphasized because I know how "voluntary" contributions mostly work). There are boxes placed around where you can throw some money, a condom, a couple of rice, your dreams of success...

Important information
AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

It is a free event, no entry fee, no exit fee. However, there is the option of VOLUNTARY contributions (emphasized because I know how "voluntary" contributions mostly work). There are boxes around where you can throw some money, a condom, a pair of rice, your dream of success, etc.


[URL=http://www.reverbnation.com/thenebulaensemble]The Nebulae Ensemble (rock/fusion/blues)[/URL]




[flash height=400 width=700]http://www.youtube.com/v/K1sf6Q89eBg[/flash] 


Our ensemble sounds like a power trio scene, consisting of guitarist Vid Geršak, bassist Samo Brezočnik and drummer Rok Skoliber. Together we are as old as Keith Richards. We cover music genres ranging from Punk to Funk. When we are on stage, other bands get a lump in their throat.


[URL=http://www.reverbnation.com/cynicismmanagement]Cynicism Management (progressive/rock/experimental)[/URL]




[flash height=400 width=700]http://www.youtube.com/v/ZlQyPBi4RBI[/flash] 


CYNICISM MANAGEMENT is the brainchild of a handful of musicians who have left their prime years well behind them, but have yet to write any global hits. So they rolled up their sleeves again and embarked on this latest attempt at world domination.


The plan began to be drawn up towards the end of 2008, and the matter was conceived experimentally - as an "online literary musical in sequels". In principle, the idea was quite simple: to publish an imaginary "blog" on the fly, which, if everything goes according to luck, should gradually develop into a kind of novel. The novel was to be devoted to the epic stories of a group called Cynicism Management, and the blog was also to feature original recordings of songs by this imaginary group. If the idea were to catch on, any additional material generated by this project would be incorporated into a blog/novel, which would ultimately and at best result in a comprehensive work of interesting dimensions and format. 


However, this intricate plan was undertaken by people who are musicians at their core, so perhaps it is not surprising that they prioritized music over literary experimentation. Thus, long before the end of the novel, a band was formed, which had already started performing live, which was not part of the original "strategy". Of course, then it would be slightly stupid if the "real" band pretended to be an "imaginary" group. 


In May 2011, Cynicism Management released their first "tangible" album with a particularly poetic title, Tit, and in September, the AMAdea Music label also distributed the product digitally.


Of course, even the imaginary group does not lack anything. As originally planned, their story unfolded gradually, in weekly episodes on cynmanagement.blogspot.com. However, the "online" literary experiment is closed for the time being, as the novel is nearing completion and will undergo too many changes and refinements in the next few months to continue publishing it on the fly.




[URL=http://www.facebook.com/otorinolaringolog]FB Profile[/URL]


[URL=http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=264908550212834]Event Page on Facebook[/URL]


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