
The older you get, the less people you care about: why is that perfectly okay?

People enter our lives, often very suddenly, and leave it just as suddenly. Some of us are very sorry because we thought there wouldn't be a day when we didn't hang out. However, this is not the end of the world. They are no longer a part of your life and you should look at that as a good thing. If it was worth it, it would last. As we get older, we let fewer and fewer people into our lives. Why is that perfectly fine?

The older we get, the less willing we are to put up with certain things. When we are young, we often have the desire to be friends with everyone. We worry too much about what others think of us. We may have done something we probably wouldn't have dared at that age just to be accepted. However, this led to making bad friendships. We didn't understand the warning signs or we weren't used to recognizing them, so we didn't see that others were "trampling" on us. As we grow older, we are less and less willing to put up with certain things. We don't have time for immature nonsense anymore, even if it means we won't see people we used to spend a lot of time with. We prefer to spend time alone than with someone who makes us feel lonely.

The older we get, the less we care about new friendships. We've reached a point where new friendships are no longer on your priority list. Not even close. By now it has already become clear who are the people who are always with us. But that doesn't mean we're not a nice person. We talk to people, hang out with them, do various fun activities with them, but we don't let them in. We don't trust them with our secrets. We don't let them see when we are vulnerable. We're long past the point where we need a new best friend. Even if we're not on good terms with the friend we thought was best for us, we just don't care anymore. No, we are not pessimistic or depressed. We just don't have time for that because we decided to. And that's totally fine.

The older we get, the less willing we are to put up with certain things.

The older we get, the less we trust people. We were surprised to see how easily people leave us. People we thought were good and would always be there. The road to opening our eyes was cruel. That's why we stepped up. That's why we have such thick skin that we no longer care what others think of us. The best people are still with us and we respect their opinion, and they respect ours. They are important. Everyone else... Ah, luckily they left.

The older we get, the less willing we are to put others before ourselves. When we stop worrying about other people and start loving ourselves, things start to change for the better. We stop doing things to please others and do things that please us. Many friendships have "broken up" because of this simple fact. Once we stop allowing others to treat us badly (ie: only being there when it's convenient for them), then a good majority of us find that we are no longer useful. We are starting to improve. From inside. In every possible way. We become a person who really knows what he wants. And these are certainly not people who will hold us back at every step and take advantage of us in every possible way.

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