
Orbis Backpack: Is it the most futuristic backpack yet?

Orbis backpack - came from the future

If we're really going to travel through space, jump to Mars for a coffee, or vacation on one of the other planets, then we need to think about travel equipment right now. It is difficult to predict what kind of clothes and shoes we will have to put on, so we can put that aside, but a slightly more futuristic design can already be found for a piece of travel equipment. For example this one.

For the experimental designer By Ilan Reuben, the creative director of the studio Ilanio, always seems to be looking into the future out of the corner of his eye. His works must contain more than mere form. They must at all times form a relationship with the body, he says.

The same goes for the backpack Orbis. Judging by his appearance, you could say that he came from the future, but not that he is probably traveling there. Orbis backpacks are available in four colors, namely black, red, transparent and white and fit the body perfectly. Reuben used acrylic, Plexiglass and aluminum, which he colored and shaped into perhaps the most futuristic backpacks yet.

Prices for Orbis backpacks range between 210 euros and 340 euros.

Gallery - Orbis backpack: an object from the future

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