
The painful truth: this is how you know you're in a relationship with a person who hasn't gotten over an ex

Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's probably better to suffer through it than to be heartbroken because you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you.

Love, especially romantic love, is probably the most wanted, dissected, misunderstood and an important feeling, with which humanity has been struggling for thousands of years.

We will probably never get to the end of the question of love, but you can still read below, only one mosaic to answer the complex questions of romantic relationships.

How do you know he's not over his ex?

Still angry with him/her.

If your love is still angry with your ex-partner, it could mean a lot of things - maybe there is unresolved tension between them, maybe the relationship was destructive, or maybe they still retain a certain amount of romantic feelings.

Still interested in his/her life.

If your love interest is still interested in what's going on in your ex-partner's life, this could be a red flag that their story isn't quite over yet. There is nothing wrong with ex-partners maintaining a friendly relationship with each other, but when there is excessive interest from one side or the other, it can mean something else. 

Anger can also be a sign of other emotions.
Anger can also be a sign of other emotions.

He talks a lot about the past.

The past shapes people, so it's perfectly normal for your love to talk about it a lot, but if topics from the past completely overshadow all other topics of conversation, they obviously still carry too much weight in life for your love. 

It's hard to commit.

When someone doesn't want to commit to the relationship to the same extent, it hurts. What is the cause? Sometimes you just have different ideas or desires for a relationship, and sometimes it stems from unresolved relationships from the past. 

He mentions her/him in passing all the time.

When you like someone, you often mention him in passing and keep coming back to this person in conversation with others. If your love mentions an ex-partner, it says something about emotions.

He doesn't tell you the truth when they see each other.
He doesn't tell you the truth when they see each other.

He can't make up his mind about you.

If your love alternates between cold and warm behavior, this can be an alarm sign - no one feels good in such a relationship. Maybe the problem is rooted in the past. 

She hides from you that she is still seeing him/her.

If the love in front of you is covering up the fact that you and your ex are still seeing each other, you need to have a serious talk about it. 

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