
An empty box with a full message can also be the perfect gift

In the last gasps of shopping before Christmas, most of us are probably racking our brains with what to give. Jonathan Schoenberg and Gerry Graf offer the perfect solution. An empty (yes, empty!) cardboard box that brings a festive message full of wishes and warmth.

The owner of two independent shops in Colorado, TDA Boulder and Barton F. Graph 900, joined in a new project "The Bawx”, which sells only one product. It is spacious, extremely durable, 100 percent recycled and USA made empty cardboard box. Available in four models with retail prices from 18 to 364 euros.
The perfect holiday gift, as the creators called it on their website, is a bold move with a touch of humor that opposes modern consumerism, excessive materialism and obsession with technologies.

At the same time and the collected funds will be allocated to an organization to help child victims of violence, Blue Sky Bridge, and Charlie Davidson obelib foundation for leukemia.

Seemingly absurd, nothing so reminds us of the true essence of the Christmas holiday. Let's put our needs aside for a moment and devote ourselves to our favorites, while at the same time trying to selflessly help others as well.

Info Box

“The Bawx” – http://giftbawx.com

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