
The Picture of Dorian Gray

When Oscar Wilde's work was first staged - it was adapted for the stage more than a hundred years ago by the German writer and playwright John von Düffel - it aroused the indignation of literary critics. The feelings at the "modern" setting will certainly not be the same, but the work of the English dandy remains timeless. ...

Important information
SNG Drama, Erjavčeva 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 8 to 25 euros.

Oscar Wilde's work aroused outrage among literary critics when it was first staged – it was adapted for the stage more than a hundred years ago by the German writer and playwright John von Düffel. The feelings about the "modern" staging will certainly not be the same, but the work of the English dandy nevertheless remains timeless. The story of a young man from London's high society from the end of the 19th century, who, upon looking at his youthful portrait, is struck by the thought: "If only I could stay forever young and the picture would grow old! (…) I would give my soul for it," still attracts many of us today. Director Ajda Valcl is even convinced that eternal youth in the age of individualism is most often understood as a condition for enjoyment, and external beauty is consequently rarely synonymous with maintaining spiritual vitality. The stage work, based on the novel, which has become a world classic, will be seen on Slovenian stages for the first time. 

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