
The Portal - a bendable smartphone in whose skin I would like to be an iPhone 6 today

The team at Californian startup Arubixs has rolled up its sleeves and introduced a smartphone worn like a shirt sleeve to the world via crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. The Portal is a flexible waterproof tablet that can be worn as a wristwatch. Forget smart watches and their tiny screens, here is a 4- or A 6-inch screen that, unlike the iPhone 6, does not mind bending.

The Portal runs the operating system Android and turned upside down resembles a bar of chocolate. However, unlike this one, there is no way it can be to shatter to pieces. The mission of phones today is to be with you in every situation, but for their own sake fragility quite often they come into conflict with everything they offer. The Portal is determined to market the first unbreakable smartphone, which is worn as smart watch, but has all the luxury of "blue" mobile devices.

Will we now carry smartphones on our hands? Not because of their sensitivity anymore.
Will we now carry smartphones on our hands? Not because of their sensitivity anymore.

These have been kind of stuck in recent years, because they are innovations and technological progress, which was synonymous with this industry, limited to only upgrades and cosmetic fixes to the design. The uniqueness has almost been lost. Smartphones that dictate dynamism and diversity of life, this is where they "disappoint", as their "vulnerability" often gets in the way of an active lifestyle. iPhone 6 in a tight pocket? A big no-no. Galaxy Note on your wrist? A big no-no.

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The Portal is flexible as a ballerina and in combination with case- with two watch-like straps - literally hugs yours forearm and enables hands-free use. It's a smartphone, a tablet, an activity tracker, and a smartwatch. He is together for everything 4.8 mm and it doesn't have any buttons, which makes it waterproof (up to 10 m deep). It's done made of polyurethane Kevlar and obeys voice and gestures (volume, unlock and other functions for walking between menus).

It has 2 GB RAM memory, 4 cameras (two front and two rear), battery capacity 3200 milliamp hours, Bluetooth 4.0, compass, GPS, A-GPS and enables wireless charging. And he jumps from business "rags" to sports in just a few moves.
Yes, flexible screens are not new, but none concept so far he hasn't gone all the way. Will this work? to Arubix, who went with the Portal to get "credit" on the platform Indiegogo?

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