
The power of the full moon: how will the full moons in 2020 affect you and your relationship?

All the full moons of 2020 are ahead of you. And if you are any subject to being "knocked/carried by the moon", read how the full moons of 2020 will affect you and your relationship.

Are you wondering when they are all? full moons in 2020? Below you'll find a list of all the full moons, as well as how they're supposed to affect you and your relationship. The first full moon of 2020, also known as wolf moon, we have already passed (January 10). This one should fill you up with a feeling full of desire for love, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or single. Even the most faithful partners should feel that they are in love at this full moon, that they want to experience something new.

Names were assigned to full moons thousands of years ago original american tribes, which followed the change of seasons. They looked to the moon for guidance and inspiration to foretell the impact of the passing months on their lives.

All full moons in 2020: how they will affect you and your relationship

SNOW MOON: February 9, 2020

Why snow moon? Because the most snow fell at that time, and the difficult snow conditions made it impossible for the Indian tribes to hunt.

How will the snow moon affect your love relationship? Make sure you will stay connected to your partner, as during the snow moon you are supposed to close in on yourself and push your partner away from you. If you are single, don't close yourself off from new opportunities, because you can lose your chances of a new relationship. Even though it's cold outside, that doesn't mean your heart has to be.

The Snow Moon will appear on February 9.
The Snow Moon will appear on February 9.

RAINBOW'S MOON: March 9, 2020

Rainmaker's Moon so called because the temperatures are starting to rise and earthworms are reappearing in the earth, heralding spring and the awakening of love.

The Earthworm Moon tells you to have open eyes for new opportunities, because they will appear where you least expect them. Open your heart, because you never know if that true great love is on its way.

PINK MOON: April 8, 2020

This moon is not actually pink in color, but is named after the first plants of spring, called primroses.

The pink moon tells you yes listen to music, let your inner glow shine outside of you. This is a month of rebirth and second chances with ex-partners or new chances with someone you've known for a long time.

Full Moons in 2020 include the Pink Moon, which will be in the sky on April 8.
Full Moons in 2020 include the Pink Moon, which will be in the sky on April 8.

FLOWER MOON: May 7, 2020

The reason why this moon is called flower moon is pretty obvious, isn't it? It's spring and everything comes to life. So should your wardrobe. Put on that shirt with the nice neckline again. Now is the time, yes you enjoy the fullness of life and take advantage of all opportunities.

You will be in the love field left to their emotions, even though you thought you didn't have them anymore. May is the month love, intimate experiences, connections, abundance, so enjoy the romance of your life, don't doubt yourself, dare yourself. This is the month when you share your feelings without reservation and confide them to your partner.


Why strawberry moon? Because June is the month when the first strawberries ripen.

What does the strawberry moon tell you? Something will keep you at a distance. Nothing that important... But since it stays in your mind, it's good to talk to your partner and resolve the issue. The Moon will provide you with the perfect circumstances to ask yourself what you want and need in a relationship. You can expect positive results from your conversation.

The Strawberry Moon will encourage you and your partner to talk and resolve issues that you both have to.
The strawberry moon will encourage you and your partner to talk and resolve issues that you both have to.

DEER MOON: July 5, 2020

It got its name from the fact that deer start growing new antlers in July.

She will dominate and guide you this month masculine energy. You will be put in the role of driver of your intimate life. If you may be secretly fantasizing about dominating your partner, this is the month to explore and make that fantasy come true.

STURGE MOON: August 3, 2020

The moon was named after the fishing tribes that caught the most sturgeon and other fish during that month.

The sturgeon moon tells you that you will be in these days felt very emotional whether you are single or in a relationship. It won't be bad, it shouldn't be. The moon will allow you to be connected with your partner more than ever before. You might be wondering how he feels about you? Are you wondering if you have a future together, plans that include you as a couple? This time is ideal for such questions.

The days of the Sturgeon Moon will make you feel very emotional, regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship.
The days of the sturgeon moon will make you feel very emotional whether you are single or in a relationship.

CORN MOON: September 2, 2020

Native American tribes named this moon corn moon, as most of the corn was in the fields at that time.

And how will the Corn Moon affect you? It will encourage you your deepest feelings, which will constantly be in your mind, ready to find their way into reality, to be explored and discussed. Maybe you're holding something important inside and you're afraid of how your partner or crush would react to it. Now is the time to trust them, tell them. It's about time, yes resolve all emotional issues, which have accumulated in you.

HUNTING MOON: October 1, 2020

It got its name from the time when the Native Americans started hunting to get food for the long winter. This will be the time when the moon will bring you more financial security.

It will also affect your love life, you will feel very confident. You will want to gift your partners, lovers in different ways... Get ready, the October hunting moon will take you to new romantic adventures. But be careful and careful in your intentions, because you can hurt someone's heart.

The Hunting Moon will also affect your love life, you will feel very confident.
The hunter's moon will also affect your love life, you will feel very confident.

BLUE MOON: October 1, 2020

A blue moon is not actually blue, although certain dust particles make it look a little bluish. Let's separate two types of blue moons: that which is the second full moon in a calendar month, and a special blue moon which is the third full moon in an astronomical season of four full moons and occurs every two and a half years. Astronomers say the blue moon exists because our calendar is not perfectly aligned with the lunar months.

It will affect your love life in such a way that you will offered rare opportunities. Take advantage of them!

BEAVER MOON: November 30, 2020

This is the time when beavers are actively preparing for winter.

Get ready to make it yours love life became serious. You and your partner will feel connected, as if you belong together. You will feel the warmth, familiarity of home. Maybe they will live together or find a new place to live. Don't believe it? Wait for the beaver moon to come around.

With the Beaver Moon, get ready for your love life to get serious.
With the beaver moon, get ready for your love life to get serious.

COLD MOON: December 30, 2020

In December, when the weather cools down, it's time for the moon, which marks the true beginning of winter. But not winter in your heart. In fact, don't be surprised if you do winter confused the head. That's how you'll want it spend as much time as possible with your partner or lovers. Yes, winter 2020 will be hot!

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