
The right person will not resent your "nervous breakdowns", your clinginess or your overthinking...

"For the first time in my life, I found something that I can truly love. I found you.” - Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre

The right person will find your clinging "cute". She will be flattered that you want to spend so much time with her. She will be excited to see you every weekend and wake up to your text every morning. She will be as committed to the relationship as you are, she will cling to it as much as you. She won't want to spend the night without you!

The right person won't mind you overthinking sometimes. She will understand that you are doing this because you care, because you want her to be happy, because you want the relationship to last. She will appreciate that you put so much effort into everything you do, everything you say. She will feel appreciated and respected.

The right person will not be bothered by your "nervous breakdowns". She won't run away the second your smile disappears. She won't leave you to face your problems alone. It will "stick" to you. He will help you get through the hardest times. She will remind you that everything will be fine and help make it happen.

The passion of the right person will not subside the moment they see you without make-up, without neat hair and unshaven. They won't care if you're wearing a stretchy tracksuit or skinny yoga pants. She will love you no matter what you wear. She will compliment you no matter how confident you feel.

"For the first time in my life, I found something that I can truly love. I found you.” - Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre
"For the first time in my life, I found something that I can truly love. I found you.” – Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre

The right person won't judge your weirdness. She'll join you in the weirdness. She will be loud and "crazy" around you. She will make you laugh until everything hurts. She will complement you completely, in a way you never thought possible.

The right person will not mind that they may have to tell you repeatedly that you are important to them. She will remind you that she loves you and that she appreciates every opportunity she gets. She won't let you go too long without a compliment because she wants you to feel beautiful! She wants you to see that she hasn't lost interest in you, that she doesn't get bored, that she doesn't regret even a second of the time spent with you.

The right person won't be bothered by your intensity. She won't want you to stop texting her so often, to stop asking her so often, to stop acting like YOU. She will be proud of the fact that you are her girlfriend, her boyfriend. She will show you off to the whole world whenever she gets the chance. She will adore every bit of you, even those things you consider your own flaws.

A real person won't hurt you, won't lie to you, won't leave you. Just like you, she will be excited about your future together, about new milestones in your relationship, about the idea of SPENDING THE REST OF YOUR LIVES TOGETHER!

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