
The secret of people who always have a tidy house? The 1-3-5 method will save you from chaos forever!

Photo: envato

Are you one of those people who would rather do anything than tidy up? Does your home feel like it’s a constant mess, and you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry – tidying up doesn’t have to be a Sisyphean task! There’s a simple and effective solution that’s taken the world by storm: the 1-3-5 method.

It's an approach based on small, deliberate steps that will free you from feeling overwhelmed. With it, you'll be able to do something useful every day without sacrificing all your free time. Tidying up will become easy and orderliness will become a part of your everyday life. Now let's see how it works and why it's so effective!

How does the 1-3-5 method change the game?

Instead of facing a daunting to-do list every day and not knowing where to start, method 1-3-5 breaks things down into manageable steps. This is not another complicated system that requires complete discipline or unlimited energy – quite the opposite! It is a method that allows you to you are cleaning smart, not hard.

Photo: envato

The basic idea is simple: every day you set yourself one big task, three medium tasks, and five small tasks. The big task is the one that requires the most effort, the medium tasks are important but less intense, and the small tasks are small tasks that you can complete in a few minutes. It is this division of tasks that keeps you focused and avoids feeling overwhelmed.

How does the method work?

  • 1 big task: This is the task you usually put off until “tomorrow.” For example, organizing your closet, sorting your papers, or cleaning out the garage.
  • 3 medium tasks: Tasks that you can do faster but are still crucial to staying organized – like sorting laundry, cleaning the fridge, or organizing shelves.
  • 5 small tasks: Small tasks that you can do while you wait for the water to boil for tea – like putting away magazines, dusting the coffee table, or watering the plants.

Why does the method really work?

The secret to the success of the 1-3-5 method is its simplicity. It doesn't promise miracles, but teaches you how to be organized in small steps. This way, you avoid the feeling of having to do everything at once, which often leads to stress and procrastination. Instead, you build a routine that becomes part of your everyday life.

Photo: envato

In addition, the method encourages you to think about priorities. It is not about making everything, but to focus on what has the biggest impact on your space and your well-being. Once you master this approach, you will be surprised how quickly your home will transform into a cozy haven.

Get started today

The best part about the 1-3-5 method is that you can start using it right away. Make a to-do list and divide it into large, medium, and small tasks. For example, today you’re going to clean out your kitchen cabinets (large task), organize your bathroom drawers (medium task), and tidy up your living room (small task).

Photo: envato

It's important to set realistic goals and not try to do the impossible. It's better to do something small than nothing. It's that sense of accomplishment that will motivate you to keep going the next day.

The 1-3-5 method is not just a system for tidying up, but a way to free yourself from chaos and stress. It doesn't demand perfection, but encourages you to do something useful every day - step by step, without feeling overwhelmed. So what are you waiting for? Make a list, schedule your tasks and start today. Your tidy and relaxed home is just a few steps away!

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