
The secret to perfect mashed potatoes: One ingredient that makes it super good

How to achieve puree perfection?

Photo: enavto elements

Mashed potatoes, a classic that adorns the tables at Sunday lunches, can quickly become the real star of the meal if prepared correctly. The secret to the perfect puree lies in one ingredient you may already be using, but not generously enough – butter. It's not just about the quantity, but also about the preparation technique that elevates the puree to a new level of creamy perfection. How to get perfect mashed potatoes?!

The choice of potatoes is key. Varieties like Desiree and Yukon Gold, due to their structure, ensure that the puree will be light and fluffy. Always cook potatoes in cold, salted water. This prevents excessive water absorption, which can lead to a sticky texture. First step to of perfect mashed potatoes.

Once the potatoes are cooked, they need to be quickly mashed to keep them warm. This is where the most important part comes into play – butter. Many recipes recommend up to 115 g of butter per kilogram of potatoes. This will give the puree a silky texture, and the rich taste is complemented with hot milk or sweet cream.

Photo: enavto elements

A secret supplement

If you want to to experiment, try to partially or completely replace the butter with olive oil. This results in a more subtle but extremely aromatic note. And another trick: a few cloves of garlic, slowly cooked in milk, will add extra depth and gentle sweetness to the puree. In addition to olive oil or cream, it can be a real turning point yolk, which is mixed into the puree before adding the last milk. The egg yolk not only adds a rich flavor, but also helps the puree retain more heat and makes it even creamier.

But if you really want to impress, try with truffle oil or even slices of fresh truffles​. The truffles will add an earthy flavor to the puree and transform it into a dish worthy of a fine dining restaurant. Be careful when using truffle oil - less is more, as its flavor is very intense. So, the same care should also be taken with truffles, truffle cream. Just for the shade. So until of perfect mashed potatoes.


As always, mashed potatoes it should be served as soon as it is ready. Waiting takes away its creaminess, so make sure you serve it immediately after preparation. However, if you include an egg yolk in the preparation, your puree will not only be softer, but also tastier and richer.

Key ingredients for the best mashed potatoes:

  • Quality potatoes (eg Desiree, Yukon Gold)
  • A lot of butter (about 115 g per kilogram of potatoes)
  • Hot milk or sweet cream
  • One egg yolk for extra creaminess and warmth
  • Salt to taste
  • Optional: olive oil, garlic, chives

By simply improving your puree with the help of egg yolk, you will create a new dimension of the popular dish and surprise your guests with softness, warmth and rich taste.

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