
The secret to perfectly cooked eggs: This way the eggs will not crack and will be easier to peel

Add this ingredient to the water in which you cook the eggs

Photo: envato

Do you often find that eggs crack during cooking? Or do you have trouble peeling hard-boiled eggs?

When cooking eggs, many people face the same challenge: eggs crack during cooking, and peeling becomes a real nightmare.

The first thing you need to know is that the best eggs to cook are the ones that are aged between seven and ten days. These types of eggs are ideal for cooking, as their shell and membrane are slightly separated due to aging, which makes peeling easier.

Photo: envato

You've probably already noticed that some eggs turn brown after cooking they peel easily, and others cause headaches, even if they were cooked together.

Although you have heard of many tricks, this one is really effective.

It's a lemon!

The next time you cook eggs, simply add a thin slice of lemon to the water.

Photo: envato

Why lemon?

Lemon contains an acid that acts as a natural stabilizer. This acid strengthens the egg shell and prevents it from cracking during cooking.

This is especially important if you are cooking fresh eggs, which are otherwise more prone to cracking. In addition, the citric acid will soften the outer shell of the egg, making it much easier to peel after cooking. Instead of struggling to remove the hard shell, you'll find that the shell almost slides off the egg by itself.


All you need is a slice of lemon and a little water. When the water boils, add the eggs and lemon and let them cook. You will be amazed by the results - the eggs will remain whole and peeling will become an easy task that you will do in a few seconds.

Photo: envato

There are other benefits to using lemon when cooking eggs. Acid in lemon juice it can help remove any unpleasant odors that sometimes appear when cooking eggs, especially if they are older. This way, your eggs will not only be perfectly cooked and easy to peel, but they will also have a pleasant smell and taste.

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