
How to properly open a pomegranate?

The easiest trick to properly peel a pomegranate

Autumn heralds the arrival of the pomegranate, which, unfortunately, is better seen on the store shelf than in our hands. Shall I peel it with a knife? What if I just try with my hands this time? A million thoughts, meanwhile, red seeds are flying all around, as if a massacre just happened at your house. To avoid a 'river of blood', you'd better learn how to properly open a pomegranate once and for all. It's simpler than it seems.

Pomegranate appleso is a fruit that goes with different autumn dish. It reached its popularity in our time when when girls on Instagram took mass photos of smoothies and oatmeal decorated with red seeds. In addition to the fact that the fruit looks very interesting, it is also supposed to be very healthy – it is said to contain vitamin C, antioxidants and potassium, and is said to improve the health of your teeth and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Before your taste buds feel it small seeds, it is important to choose the right pomegranate. You should choose a fruit that is heavy enough for its size and intact. His shell, however, must be thick, Yes protects the fetus. When you do, the moment of truth is upon you. So how to properly open a pomegranate?

Before you start peel the pomegranate, protect cutting board with towels, which will absorb all the excess liquid, which will be the fruit dropped. Cut off the top of the fruit and the bottom. You will see a star shape which you then have to follow when cutting. Where the side of the 'star' is, also cut lengthwise with a knife. On all of them places do the same. Then every shard unfold and separate from each other. After doing this on all sides, an open 'star' will form - and extract the seeds from each shard.

You can also see the process in the video:

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