
The Simpsons x State Bicycle: A bike inspired by The Simpsons

Fixie The Simpsons x State Bicycle Co. Bike

At first glance, this bike looks like just another fixie, but if you look carefully at the color sequence, you'll quickly recognize characters from The Simpsons on the frame of the State Bicycle bike.

Kako prepoznavna znamka so The Simpsons (The Simpsons), priča tudi ta fixie, kajti dovolj je pravilno zaporedje barv, da na okvirju prepoznamo Marge, Barta, Liso in Homerja.

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Prepoznate Homerja in preostale člane družine?
Prepoznate Homerja in preostale člane družine?

Of course bike ne stavi zgolj na like iz najdlje trajajoče risane oz. animirane TV nanizanke The Simpsons, saj gre za vrhunski dvokolesnik z lastnostmi, ki jih pričakuje zahteven uporabnik. Zanj morate odšteti 460 euros. Poleg kolesa so pri State Bicycle ob tej priložnosti izdali tudi omejeno serijo kolesarskih dresov z motivom iz epizode I Love Lisa (4. sezona, 15. del).

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