
The season you were born in defines you!

Photo: Envato

Are you sure that your date of birth does not affect your life? Research shows that the time of year you are born can have a significant impact on your personality.

Those born in spring are more positive, those born in autumn are rational, those born in winter are practical, and those born in summer are eternally in love.

Even if you don't believe in astrology, she says study, which was presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, only this one confirms the connection between time of year, birth and personality thanks to a given biological clock and the amount of daylight at birth.

These character traits and preferences are more noticeable in adulthood than in childhood.

Happiness is in each of us. Photo: Arno Smit- / Unsplash

Born in spring

Those born in spring have a hyperthymic temperament, which makes them more positive than people born in other seasons. They often show great optimism, they don't need much time to get excited about an idea. They are not subject to depression, but are often talented in artistic creation.

Born in summer

People born in the summer months have this cyclothymic temperament, which makes them prone to frequent mood swings. Due to their temperament, they are prone to frequent mood swings, they are also credited with falling in love very quickly. They change jobs more often and are more prone to conflicts.

Each of us is unique. Photo: Ethan Robertson/Unsplash

Born in autumn

Despite the frequent rain and sleepy nature, people born in autumn are not prone to depression. Although they are not attributed with an overly positive, but more rational and down-to-earth character, autumn people have the lowest risk of developing mental disorders. In addition, they are quite physically active. They are careful and can easily distinguish a lie from the truth.

Mysterious snow cover. Photo: Bob Canning/Unsplash

Born in winter

People born in winter are the most emotionally stable, i.e. that they are resistant to emotional stress, claim the researchers, who explain that they are also affected by the greater amounts of sun they acquired during their mother's pregnancy. They are guided by reason rather than feelings, and they are characterized by consistency in their attitudes and goals.

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