
Pluto's transit into Aquarius brings drastic changes for the 4 astrological signs

Photo: Gantas Vaičiulėnas / Pexels

The planet Pluto represents the god of the underworld, responsible for the greatest transformations in life and the revelation of dark secrets. The transition of Pluto into Aquarius will be experienced most strongly by four astrological signs. Are you among them?

On January 21, the transit of Pluto into Aquarius took place, where it will remain until 2044. Pluto's entry into Aquarius symbolizes a profound transformation, regeneration and strong changes, both on a personal and general level.

In combination with characteristics of Aquarius - innovation, progress, independence and social awareness - we can expect groundbreaking changes in social norms, technological innovations and increased awareness of global issues.

When Pluto in Aquarius at the same time encourages individuals to personal transformation, expressed through the development of individuality, enhanced awareness of one's own values and the need for personal freedom.

The transit of Pluto into Aquarius will have the greatest impact on the 4 signs

Pluto moving into Aquarius, what does it bring? Photo: Gabriela Pereira / Pexels


Pluto will gradually but steadily shape your destiny, which will be evident in the years to come. This influence will further emphasize your already strong need for freedom, independence and desire for change. As one of the signs that will be most exposed to these planetary shifts, get ready for extremely profound changes in various aspects of your life.

Pluto will act as a catalyst for your inner development, awakening your creativity and encouraging the search for new paths in life.


Pluto, residing in your tenth career house, brings big changes in the professional field. This influence will bring many technological innovations and increase the importance of work on the Internet. Expect radical changes in your career, as you may decide to make a complete turn in your professional path.

Pluto will provide you with opportunities for outstanding achievements and taking advantage of innovative approaches at work.

Positive changes are coming. Photo: Gantas Vaičiulėnas / Pexels


Pluto in the seventh house brings changes in your partner relationships. The concept of traditional marriage will lose its meaning, and your emphasis will be more on personal freedom. You will discover new dimensions of love and open yourself to freer forms of connection.

Pluto will encourage your ingenuity in relationships and help you build deeper, more fulfilling bonds.


Pluto in the fourth house will greatly influence your family relationships. You may uncover long-hidden family secrets and confront past events. Relationships with relatives will go through a cycle of change that will require you to adapt and find new ways to connect.

Pluto will encourage the development of your understanding of family ties and relationships with parents, which will bring tremendous personal growth.

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