
Truth counts

  The moment of truth has arrived here as well. At home, not just on TV. The device, which is fastened around the wrist like a watch, works similarly to a classic lie detector. It records and reflects our mental-emotional responses to the environment and displays the lie/truth result as a luminous sign on a rustic...


The moment of truth has arrived here as well. At home, not just on TV. The device, which is fastened around the wrist like a watch, works similarly to a classic lie detector. It records and reflects our mental-emotional responses to the environment and the result lie/truth appears as a glowing sign on a rustic wrist display. The kit contains the components of the device and assembly instructions. It remains an open question how accurate the device really is, but it's not a sin to try.

Price: about 35 euros, available at www.makershed.com


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