
The truth is, you outgrow those who don't know how to love you!

The truth is, you outgrow those who don't appreciate you. Those who don't mind your absence. The ones who allow an ever-increasing distance between you and him. You outgrow those who make you feel expendable.

The truth is, you outgrow those who are not honest with you. The ones who tell you things they don't really mean. Those who talk but do nothing when you need them by your side. The ones who only like a part of you but don't want to accept the whole of you. The ones who don't care about your needs or wants because they are too busy with their own.

You outgrow those who make you feel like you're not worth their time or effort. Those who are capable of giving much, much more, but choose to be stingy with you. Those who put you at the bottom of their priorities. The ones who take two steps back when you take one forward.

The truth is, you get to a point where you know who you are, what you want, and what you deserve. And you are not willing to accept less. You don't want to get into the same vicious circle of giving yourself to people who basically don't accept you. The truth is, you get to a point where self-love trumps any other love.

The truth is, you get to a point where you know who you are, what you want, and what you deserve.
The truth is, you get to a point where you know who you are, what you want, and what you deserve.

The truth is that you outgrow those who show you that they are not with you through thick and thin. Those who don't want to put in the effort. You outgrow those who treat you as a stopgap until they find "something better". You outgrow those who don't make you feel like they're glad they found you. Those who don't value you the way they should, the way you want them to.

The truth is that you are capable of giving the whole world to someone you love, but you need reassurance that they won't take advantage of you, that they won't break your heart, that they won't turn everything into another lie, another mistake.

The truth is, you outgrow those who don't know how to love you and save your love for someone who will love you with the same intensity. You outgrow those who tell you everything you want to hear but don't do any of it. You outgrow those who don't love you because it took you years to learn self-love and you're not willing to ruin that with people who make you doubt yourself and wonder if you're worthy of their love.

The truth is, you outgrow those who aren't afraid to lose you because they'll never truly understand who you are and what kind of love you're looking for. They will never truly see you the way you want them to!

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