
The woman I read to

We already know the framework of the passion drama, at least partially, from that part of world literature that fascinates precisely because of the movement of our established boundaries of thinking. However, this time it is not about the performance of the novel The Reader, which we were able to catch on the movie screen a few months ago, but about the author's project Tanja Lužar, Ksenje...

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SNG Maribor, Slovenska ulica, 27, Maribor
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11 euros

We already know the framework of the passion drama, at least partially, from that part of world literature that fascinates precisely because of the movement of our established boundaries of thinking. However, this time it is not about the performance of the novel The Reader, which we were able to catch on the movie screen a few months ago, but about the author's project of Tanja Lužar, Ksenja Mišič and Matevž Biber. The passion between the two actors erupts when a chain of coincidences plunges an intelligent student into an erotic relationship with a woman sixteen years older. She takes him to unknown landscapes of carnal pleasures, and he feeds her soul by reading aloud books from the treasury of world literature. When a short-term relationship unexpectedly ends at the end of the summer, the student takes the full blame for the relationship's demise. However, the story of the "reader" does not end here, because years later the story is unexpectedly clarified during a meeting that changes both of their lives. The story thus exceeds our expectations and steps outside the framework of what has already been seen.

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