
The Y-3 x SpaceX – sneakers for walking on Mars

The Y-3 x SpaceX sneaker

Recently, Elon Musk announced that SpaceX is planning a commercial flight around the Moon for two tourists in 2018. The next question that arises is what will humans wear once we start walking en masse on other planets. The answer was offered by designer Clement Fernandes, who created the 38%_2101 concept sneaker designed for walking on Mars.

Futuristic sneakers The Y-3 x SpaceX Clement Fernandes are created for running on mars. The upper part of the sneaker is made of nylon, which is combined with carbon fiber nanotubes. Activates nanotubes body temperature, which shrinks the fibers and thus creates a perfect grip for the foot. The sole is soft (EVA) and ensures comfortable walking uneven and stony surfaces the red planet.

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A futuristic study of walking sneakers to Mars.
A futuristic study of walking sneakers to Mars.

Sneakers in the colors of Mars they are extremely durable and can withstand both sandstorms and temperatures 52 degrees Celsius. Sneakers are currently just a suggestion, but the time is not far when it will be ”space” fashion has become part of everyday life. Name 38%_2101 derived from the fact that Mars has merely 38 percent of our gravity.

Gallery - The Y-3 x SpaceX 38%_2101 sneakers:

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