
Their Promises Are Empty: 6 Astrological Signs You Shouldn't Trust

Their word is not trustworthy.

When you promise something, do you keep your word? It's easy to make a promise, but harder to keep it. They are just promises empty words, if there are no actions behind them, do you agree?

When you make a promise but don't intend to keep it, you're not only lying, you're deliberately deceiving the person you made the promise to. Why don't you just tell her that you won't be able to keep your promises? Doing so makes you stand out in the eyes of others unreliable!

According to astrologers, what are the astrological signs that make empty promises and thus lose trust? Are you among them?


It's not true that Geminis deliberately break their promises, because when they make a promise, they have a sincere intention to keep it. But many times they forget about it because they are overwhelmed. When they focus on something, they forget time and all promises. They don't even think about whether they can fulfill the promise. They are afraid of people's disapproval, as a result of which they will fulfill their promise, but until then a lot of time will pass.

Gemini forgets promises.
Gemini forgets promises.


They only promise to get what they want. They make use of promises, there is never a guarantee that they will fulfill them. They can be manipulators and deceivers and justify themselves. If they feel pressured to keep a promise, they most certainly won't. As quickly as they promise something, they break it as quickly. Aquarius cannot be trusted.


They don't promise much, because they know each other well and know that they probably won't be able to fulfill what they promise. They want people to see them as someone they can trust and rely on. If they don't keep their promises, they feel terrible.

Libra does not want to make promises, because it knows that it will be difficult to fulfill promises.
Libra does not want to make promises, because it knows that it will be difficult to fulfill promises.


They are friendly, they want to help everyone who needs their help. The problem is that they have a hard time saying no. They agree to all sorts of things and make promises left and right. But when it comes time to deliver, they are overwhelmed and overworked to fulfill half of the promises they made.


They are careless with promises and forget them as soon as they are made. They are not malicious, just a little self-centered. It's not that they're being disrespectful, but they're too focused on their own needs to be concerned with keeping promises. They don't know what it means to keep a promise and stick to an agreement.

Sagittarians do not know what it means to keep a promise and stick to agreements.
Sagittarians do not know what it means to keep a promise and stick to agreements.


When Aries makes a promise, they are confident that they will be able to fulfill it. But then so many things happen… and that promise travels to the bottom of their list. They make promises without thinking about how they will do it. They don't want anyone to doubt their abilities, so they promise to do something. They really want to keep their promise, but…

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