
This is how you recognize them: bad qualities that only above-average smart people have

This is how you recognize them: bad qualities that only above-average smart people have

A higher number of the intelligence quotient brings not only advantages, but also disadvantages - people with above-average intelligence face many problems that other people (maybe) do not even know about.

Intelligence enables us to reach the set goals by a shorter route. But even so, it brings with it a series of problems. Above average intelligent people often have self-esteem issues, decision-making, relaxation 

Bad traits that only above average smart people have...

1. You think more than you talk.

Although you are interested in a certain topic, you tend not to give your opinion about it right away. While others are already voicing their ideas, you're still thinking about the larger context of the problem because you want to make sure your statement is relevant.

2. You don't enjoy casual chatter.

Your friends are laughing, telling jokes, describing adventures... but you are always thinking about other things. You try to steer the conversation in another direction, but to no avail. In the end, you find that you have to improvise, but you are not very good at that either.

3. You constantly harass yourself at work.

You want to learn something every day while working.
You want to learn something every day while working.

At work, you are constantly looking for situations in which you can improve. When you master something, you want to learn something new. You want to work in a dynamic environment where you bring change every day.

4. You have a hard time making decisions.

You cannot make a final decision before considering all options for resolving the conflict situation. In this way, you can reach the best possible decision at a given moment, but you spend a lot of effort and time doing so.

5. You usually pull the short end.

Despite the fact that you firmly stand behind your point of view, you are not ready to fight excessively for it, because you understand views from other points of view. Even if you are sure that you are right, leave the joy to others.

6. You often doubt yourself.

Given that you're thinking about a whole range of different things, it's not uncommon for you to be thinking about yourself as well. Because you often leave your ideas to others, you are rarely rewarded, which affects your self-esteem.

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