
There are 3 types of adult moviegoers and only one is healthy

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found 3 types of adult moviegoers, and only one was found to be healthy.

The researchers are in studies studied 830 people, single and in a relationship. They were asked about their pornography viewing habits: how compulsive they watch it as much as their need to watch it disrupts daily life and what are theirs emotional responses to viewing (shame, etc.). They were also asked about satisfaction with sex life and about the tendency to him they avoid.

Only one type of porn viewer is said to be healthy.
Only one type of porn viewer is said to be healthy.

And according to the results, they classified people into the following three groups.

Recreational viewers

This is the only type of viewer that is considered healthy. They have a satisfying sex life, low obsession with sex, and rarely avoid sex. These 75.5 percent of viewers watch pornography 24 minutes a week. It is usually about women or people in a relationship.

Sex-obsessed viewers

These people watch pornography an average of 110 minutes a week. It's also the type of viewer she most often watches alone. The majority are in this group of men. This is a group that is also in greater emotional distress because of this, they make an intensive effort to access these films, and they also have the highest level of compulsiveness.

Non-compulsive viewers in distress

If you are using pornography as a way of 'self-medicating', you may be distressed or unhappy. The 12.7 percent of viewers who belong to this category are usually not satisfied with their sex life, avoid sex, and find it very difficult to resist pornography. He spends about 17 minutes per week watching adult films, suggesting that frequency of pornography use is not critical for people who feel shame or experience some other emotional distress.

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