
There are 4 different types of drinkers. Which one are you?

According to science, there are 4 types of alcohol users, but they are quite different from each other. Where do you belong?

According to the study A motivational model of alcohol use there are four types of drinkers:

Social drinker

A rather self-evident phenomenon that we humans sometimes have a hard time avoiding.

Social drinker
Social drinker

A drinker who drinks to socialize

A person drinks to feel part of a group or to feel included. The amount drunk varies from person to person. As a rule, such people drink a glass or two.

A drinker who would like to socialize
A drinker who would like to socialize

A drinker who drinks to feel better

These are those who drink to get drunk or to improve their positive emotions.

Some people drink to get drunk.
Some people drink to get drunk.

A drinker who drinks to forget bad things

These are people who drink to suppress negative emotions. The difference between the third type (above type) and this one has been discussed several times in various studies on drinking and alcohol abuse.

Still others drink to suppress negative emotions.
Still others drink to suppress negative emotions.

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