
There is NO future for you two: warning signs that your relationship is a BURDEN, not a pleasure

There is NO future for you two: warning signs that your relationship is a BURDEN, not a pleasure

Every person in this world deserves to have a person by their side who will support them on the way to achieving all their goals. And if you feel burdened in a relationship, you haven't found such a person yet.

When we're in love, we really do wear rose-colored glasses. We see all that what makes us happy, and we overlook the things that destroy us. And when we finally open our eyes, we realize that we are because of our partner become a completely different person. A person we usually don't recognize.

It is understandable that absolutely every person in a relationship changes some patterns of behavior and emotions to a certain extent, but there is an invaluable difference between "changing for the better" and "changing for the worse". Don't become that OTHER!

Warning signs that a relationship is a burden, not a pleasure:


HE FEELS JEALOUSY OF YOUR SUCCESSES. If anyone should be proud of your achievements, it's your better half. If anyone shouldn't be jealous of you, it's your better half again. If you have to wonder if you are in a relationship or in a competition, then there is no point in staying in a relationship that is destroying you. It is difficult to be in a relationship with a person who is constantly cutting your wings, because because of the complexes that your loved one has, it may even happen that he starts throwing logs under your feet. And this is a prediction of disaster.


HE DOESN'T WANT TO UNDERSTAND YOUR WISHES. It's completely understandable and human that you won't agree on everything. Your views will differ, but that's no reason not to understand each other. A loved one should understand you, even if they do not agree with certain ideas. It should make you feel that you can achieve anything you set your mind to, not doubt. If he doesn't take you seriously and scoffs at your ideas, then maybe it's time to say goodbye. Criticism is welcome as long as it is well-intentioned and constructive, not malicious and intended for completely wrong reasons.

HE WANTS YOU TO GIVE UP IMPORTANT THINGS. No relationship should be based on restriction, but on agreeing and encouraging each other. Why would you date someone who wants you to be who that person imagined you to be, but won't let you be who you are? It makes no sense! It is understandable that each person perceives the needs of another differently, but if you have tried countless times to explain who and what you are, but it has not borne fruit, think about the future of your relationship.


HE SABOTAGES YOUR RELATIONSHIP. If you have already tasted the beauty of a serious partner relationship, then it is clear to you how much effort you both had to put in to make your relationship last. And this proves once again that every man CAN find love, the only problem is that he doesn't know how to keep it. If your partner resists conversations, you are constantly spinning in a vicious circle of endless discussions about problems that have plagued you since the beginning of the relationship, or your partner is constantly intensifying the discussions, your relationship just stands still, you do not progress and in this way your partner also limits your personal development. Is it worth it? Consider!

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