
These 3 astrological signs are in for a breakup this summer

Photo: envato

If you're one of them, you'll have a choice - either to fix the relationship or watch it fall apart - as retrograde Saturn wants to clear things up one way or another.

With Saturn retrograde, there are no gray areas, only black or white. Love affairs between him suddenly end and fade away, even though they took your breath away before.

If you don't take love seriously, think about it, because you can break someone's heart. No one wants to be in an unhealthy romantic relationship.


What's the point of being with someone if you think you've been hurt too much in the past and basically don't want to be in a relationship. You no longer believe in her. Then why do you keep stepping from one to the other?

You might break up with someone who could be your ideal partner, but you won't even notice because you're too wrapped up in self-pity.


You are so toxic that you don't even tell him that you don't want to be with him anymore. You are passive aggressive, because you go into a new relationship without your previous partner even knowing that your relationship is over.

You're always hurting someone, and that's exactly what you don't want to do during retrograde Saturn, the planet of karmic revenge.

So do whatever you decide, but just know that if you hurt someone you once loved just because you didn't dare tell them to their face, karma is an interesting thing.


You like to pretend you're a great communicator, and that image is fine until, of course, it's time to actually communicate. Then be quiet.

You don't care what the other person thinks, whether they understand you or not, you don't care. You have lost your sense of respect and love for the person you are currently in a relationship with.

Instead of telling them that you don't see yourself in a relationship anymore, just let them hope.


You left a long time ago. Let them know through your behavior, your ignorance, that you are gone, that you have no face to say goodbye to them.

Retrograde Saturn is already planning the next relationship; as if the previous one never happened, but this time you will suffer. You will get a boomerang of ignorance.


When you decide to break up with someone, do it right away, that moment. You justify your feelings with many examples of why you should break up with this person whom you liked, but now seems a complete stranger to you.

You completely forget that this person has feelings too. But no, your decisions are unilateral. Make up your mind, no matter how shocked or surprised your partner may be at your decision.


He won't understand why you want to break up, you haven't given any signs that something is wrong, and that will really hurt them.

They were ready to do more for you, but you closed the door to their heart, just for no reason, because you liked it at that moment.

But retrograde Saturn is preparing revenge, you will get your own poisonous gift of cowardice.

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