
These 5 things children inherit only from their mother!

Whether you're more like your mom or dad, science proves that you only inherit some things from your mom.

The old cliché that one day a daughter will turn into her mother is not entirely true. Science proves that mothers directly influence some of the things that make us who we are - from intelligence to our behavior in a romantic relationship. 

Although genetics is anything but simple, scientific research has shown that certain traits we only inherit from our mother or rather, the mother has a greater influence on them than the father. And you can probably thank your mom for these 5 things!

Sleep patterns and habits

Sleep patterns and habits
Sleep patterns and habits

Research published in Sleep Medicine, she showed that children inherit sleeping habits from their mothers and that the children of women who suffer from insomnia, they fall asleep later and basically sleep less. The researchers found no link between fathers' and children's sleeping habits. The fact that mothers are the ones who deal more with children during growing up, which means that they have greater influence on their habits.



The genes responsible for intelligence are located on the X-chromosomes. That's why sons inherit intelligence from their mothers. On average, their IQs differ by about 15 points. But only 40 to 60 percent intelligence is inherited, everything else comes in the course of life. Therefore, nothing in the world can replace hard work. Daughters inherit intelligence from both parents. 



A study from 2016, in which 1,000 adults participated, finds that it has 71 percent of women, who had extramarital affairs, mothers who also jumped the fence. This suggests that a mother's behavior in a relationship may influence women's habits when it comes to love life and fidelity. It further supports this study researchers from the University of Queensland, where they also came to the conclusion that it could be a tendency to infidelity is hereditary - except that this is where the "infidelity gene" comes in from father or mother. Of course, this is no excuse for unseemly behavior that can hurt someone very much.

Aging speed

Aging speed
Aging speed

Does mom look youthful despite her advanced age? Then you are among the lucky ones, because it should be right your mother's genes affect how you age. A scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging in Germany has discovered that DNA from mitochondria - which we inherit only from our mother - partially controls the aging process.



Likewise, women are supposed to inherit from their mothers years when they will be affected by menopause. A study from 2011, conducted at the British Institute of Cancer Research and covering 2,000 women, finds that they could be both early and late menopause (before 45 and after 55) are inherited. Women whose mothers or sisters went through one or another type of menopause were 6 times more likely to experience the same. The researchers emphasized that it is not all about genetics and that it also plays a role Lifestyle. For example, women who they smoke, entered menopause a year or two earlier.

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