
You don't know these 8 wonderful qualities of crying yet!

Crying is healthy! So you don't need to be brave!

If you want to cry - cry. Don't hold back the tears. Why? Also because crying is healthy for both your body and soul!

Crying is a natural response of people to different types of emotions, from sadness to joy... And there is absolutely nothing wrong with crying.

Did you know that women on average they cry 3.5 times a month, while men cry 1.9 times per month.

Why do we cry?

Did you know that humans produce three types of tears:

  • Basal tears, which are produced in the tear ducts, are a protein-rich antibacterial fluid that helps keep the eyes moist every time a person closes and opens the eyes.
  • reflex tears, triggered by irritants such as wind, smoke or onions. They are released to remove irritants and protect the eye.
  • emotional tears, triggered by a response to a different type of emotion. They contain higher levels of stress hormones than other types of tears.

When people cry, they are usually referring to emotional tears. Crying is often seen as a sign of weakness, but this is a completely wrong perception.

Let's look at some of the scientifically proven benefits of crying and their impact on health.

1. It has a calming effect


Crying can help a person regulate their own emotions, calm down, and reduce their sadness or distress. study, has shown that crying can have a direct, calming effect on people. Crying has been proven to activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which helps people relax.

2. People feel your pain more

Crying, in addition to helping people to calm themselves down, also helps them gain sympathy and support from the people around them. As he explains study, crying brings people together.

3. Crying helps relieve pain

Research have shown that shedding emotional tears, in addition to being soothing, releases the hormones oxytocin and endorphins, which contribute to well-being. So crying helps reduce pain and promotes a sense of well-being.

4. Improves mood

Crying can help people improve their mood. In addition to pain relief, oxytocin and endorphins can help improve moods.

5. Releases toxins and relieves stress


When crying is a response to stress, the tears contain many stress hormones and other chemicals. Researchers they believe that crying could reduce the levels of these hormones in the body, which in turn could reduce stress.

6. It helps with sleep

A study has shown that crying can help babies sleep better. As for adults, further research is needed. But if we take into account that crying has a calming effect, improves mood and relieves pain, it could help you sleep better.

Photo: Verne Ho on Unsplash

7. Fights bacteria

Crying helps kill bacteria and keep your eyes healthy and clean. Tears contain a liquid called lysozyme. A study showed that lysozyme has such strong antimicrobial properties that it can easily reduce the risk posed by bioterrorist agents such as anthrax.

8. Improves vision

basal tears, which are released every time a person closes and opens their eyes, help keep the eyes moist and prevent the mucosa from drying out. The lubricating effect of basal tears helps people see more clearly because when the membranes dry out, vision can become blurry.

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