
These are 5 everyday things that will be forgotten in a few years

We have become so used to certain things that we can no longer imagine life without them. Technology, which wants to completely change the future, has different plans.

Let's see what things will be in a few years already forgotten.


Money orders in the post office
Money orders in the post office

Our mailboxes could quickly become unusable. Deposits, which in principle take up most of the space in them, have started to supplant online payment methods. Soon we will be able to pay all our bills through our smartphones or other electronic devices, and it will only take a few clicks.



It's time to forget about letters, numbers and other characters. After we have already gotten used to the fact that classic passwords have been replaced by fingerprint recognition, new techniques can be expected in the future. The most resounding is facial recognition, which Apple has already used in its new products.

Remote controls

Remote controls
Remote controls

Do you often forget where you put the remote control? Or for the latter to run out of battery? Don't worry, such worries will be over soon. In the near future, the operation of electronic devices will be regulated by voice commands and applications on smartphones.

Phone charger

Phone charger
Phone charger

Traditional chargers will soon become a thing of the past. They will be replaced by their wireless relatives. Samsung has taken a step further, as it is developing technology that should shorten the charging time by as much as 5 times.

Car keys

Car keys
Car keys

Car keys will also become "extinct". BMW has already announced that it intends to completely replace the keys with mobile applications.


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