
According to critics, these are the best films of the last 7 years

There is certainly no shortage of reviews on the Metacritic website. For those of you who don't know the site yet - it's about rating movies, where the movie then earns an average rating (the highest rating is 100). With the help of this portal, we prepared a ranking of the best films that were made between 2010 and 2017. And if you happen to be interested: the worst film of this period is FIFA: United Passions (2014). It received a score of 1 on Metacritic.

Films of the last 7 years (2010-2017) that are according to critics the best:

10. I Am Not Your Negro (2016), rating: 95

Through the narration of Samuel L. Jackson, we follow the film about the history of racism in the United States, which the poet, writer and social critic James Baldwin intended to cover in the book Remember This House, but never completed.

9. Visages Villages (2017), score: 95

The French documentary won the best documentary award at the Cannes Film Festival. It follows director Agnès Varda and artist JR as they travel through the French countryside creating portraits of the people they meet along the way.

8. The Social Network (2010), rating: 95

In The Social Network, director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin explore the moment they invented Facebook, the most revolutionary social phenomenon of the new century. We are shown this through the conflicting perspectives of super bright young men who all claim to have been present at the creation.

7. Call Me by Your Name (2017), rating: 95

Seventeen-year-old Elio spends the hot summer of 1983 in the north of Italy. He listens to music, reads books and swims until one day his father's American assistant, Olivier, enters his life. They soon become more than just friends, and the attraction between them grows stronger by the moment.

6. Carol (2015), rating: 95

Todd Haynes' romantic drama is based on the novel The Prince of Salt by Patricia Highsmith. The story is set in New York in 1952, and the cameras focus on a young photographer and her relationship with an older woman going through a stressful divorce. Although time is against them, the attraction between them is stronger than social norms and prejudices.

5. Gravity (2013), rating: 96

An engineer on the first space flight and a veteran astronaut lose all contact with Earth after colliding with the wreckage of a satellite and are left lost in the endless blackness of space. A seemingly routine space mission thus turns into a wild fight for survival.

4. Manchester by the Sea (2016), rating: 96

The emotionally charged drama is built around Lee Chandler, an emotionally numb Boston janitor who can't find any real meaning in life, until he learns the news of his brother's death, which brings him to his hometown, where he has to deal with old demons and devote to teenage nephew Patrick. At the same time, he has to deal with unpaid bills from his past, when he separated from his wife and left the fishing community after a family tragedy.

3. 12 Years a Slave (2013), rating: 96

In the USA, before the Civil War, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is kidnapped and sold into slavery. Surrendered to cruelty, in the form of an evil slave owner, but also to unexpected grace, Solomon fights for his own life and his dignity. In the twelfth year of these unforgettable odysseys, he accidentally meets a Canadian abolitionist, which changes the course of his life forever.

2. Moonlight (2016), rating: 99

In the movie Moonlight, we follow the life of a black boy Chiron - from childhood to adulthood - who lives with an addicted mother and is the target of attacks by other boys. We also follow his relationship with his friend Kevin, with whom he discovers his gender identity, which he then hides from others and himself.

1. Boyhood (2014), rating: 100

In 2002, director Richard Linklater began an extraordinary experiment: every summer for the next 12 years, he gathered the same group of actors in front of the camera and created a story about a growing boy and his family. The film chronicles the small and big moments in the life of young Mason from the age of six to eighteen. Together with him, we indulge in a mosaic of fleeting glimpses of everyday life - through the whirlwind of family moves, divorces, new families and schools, and first loves, all the way to entering university.

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