
These are the 2021 work days off in Slovenia: nothing but a promising year!

National and church holidays 2021

When are the holidays and public holidays 2021 when we don't have to go to work or school?

When are they holidays and public holidays 2021 in Slovenia, when will we be able to take an extended weekend and how many days off do we even have (that is, holidays that do not fall on the weekend)?

January 1 and 2, 2021 were on Friday and Saturday, and the next working day off (Prešeren's Day) will fall on Monday. This year, Easter will be on April 4, and traditionally Easter Monday, April 5, will also be free. April 27, the day of the fight against the occupier, falls on a Tuesday, and May 1 and 2, unfortunately, on Saturday and Sunday. Reformation Day (October 31) will also be on a Sunday, Christmas in 2021 will be on a Saturday, and it will be even worse for the New Year holidays in 2022, as January 1 and 2 next year fall on a Saturday and a Sunday. So in 2021 we will have seven holidays per weekend, only six but during the week. For comparison: in 2020 there were seven holidays during the week and six during the weekend.

Working days off 2021 in Slovenia: extended weekends

The easiest way to enjoy an extended weekend in 2021 is on Prešeren Day (falls on a Monday), on National Day (June 25 falls on a Friday) and on November 1 (Monday). April 27, which falls on a Tuesday, is also a great opportunity for an extended weekend. At that time, we can take as many as 4 days of rest.

Holidays and public holidays 2021: only six will be during the week.

Holidays and public holidays 2021

Friday, January 1 (New Year)
Saturday, January 2 (New Year's Day)
Monday, February 8 (Prešeren's Day)
Sunday, April 4 (Easter)
Monday 5 April (Easter Monday)
Tuesday, April 27 (day of struggle against the occupier)
Saturday, May 1 (Labor Holiday)
Sunday, May 2 (Labor Day)
Friday, June 25 (National Day)
Sunday, August 15 (Assumption of Mary)
Sunday, October 31 (Reformation Day)
Monday, November 1 (Remembrance Day)
Saturday, December 25 (Christmas)
Sunday, December 26 (Independence and Unity Day)

Holidays in Slovenia that are not public holidays

Tuesday, June 8 (Primož Trubar Day)
Tuesday, August 17 (unification of Prekmurje Slovenes with their mother nation)
Wednesday, September 15 (return of Primorska to its motherland)
Monday, October 25 (Sovereignty Day)
Tuesday, November 23 (Rudolf Maistre Day)

Holidays and public holidays 2021

Holidays and public holidays 2021 in Croatia and Austria

In croatia

Wednesday, January 6, Epiphany
Sunday, April 4, Easter
Monday, April 5, Easter Monday
Saturday, May 1, Labor Day
Thursday, June 3, Holy Salvation Body
Tuesday, June 22, the day of anti-fascist struggle
Thursday, August 5, the day of victory and patriotic gratitude
Sunday, August 15, Assumption of Mary
Friday, October 8, Independence Day
Monday, November 1, All Saints' Day
Saturday, December 25, Christmas
Sunday, December 26, Stephen's Day

In Austria

Wednesday, January 6, Epiphany
Sunday, April 4, Easter
Monday, April 5, Easter Monday
Saturday, May 1, Labor Day
Thursday, May 13, Ascension of Jesus
Sunday, May 23, Pentecost
Monday, May 24, Whit Monday
Thursday, June 3, Holy Salvation Body
Sunday, August 15, Assumption of Mary
Friday, October 26, National Day
Monday, November 1, All Saints' Day
Wednesday, December 8, Mary's Immaculate Conception
Saturday, December 25, Christmas
Sunday, December 26, Stephen's Day


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